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发布日期:2024-09-16 08:15    点击次数:105



### 中文原文


#### 原文:

豫章故郡,洪都新府。星分翼轸,地接衡庐。襟三江而带五湖,控蛮荆而引瓯越。物华天宝,龙光射牛斗之墟;人杰地灵,徐孺下陈蕃之榻。雄州雾列,俊采星驰。台隍枕夷夏之交,宾主尽东南之美。都督阎公之雅望,棨戟遥临;宇文新州之懿范,襜帷暂驻。十旬休假,胜友如云;千里逢迎,打工日记本高朋满座。腾蛟起凤,海口市开富潮百货店孟学士之词宗;紫电清霜, 乡下的情调王将军之武库。家君作宰, 佛山市南海区佳乐斯装饰材料厂路出名区;童子何知,躬逢胜饯。

#### 英译精解:

#### Translation:

Ancient Jiu Chang, the old county of Hu Dong, was the new capital. The stars divide the constellations of Wing and Goose, and the land touches the mountains of Heng and Lu. It's like a belt around the Three River system and a sash around the Five Lake region, controlling the region of Mian Jing and leading to Ou Yue. It's a place of natural treasures and where the divine light of dragons shines in the realm of the Bull and Vulture. It's also a place where talents and geography harmonize, with Xu Ru's bed lowered for the esteemed Mian Fan. The state is a misty array of powerful regions, and the best talents race like stars. The capital is at the intersection of the barbaric and civilized lands, with all guests being the finest from the southeast. Prefect Yan Gong, with his noble reputation, arrives; the new state official Yu Wen, with his virtuous example, stays for a while. Ten days of rest and relaxation bring together distinguished friends like clouds. A thousand miles of welcome leads to a full house of high-ranking guests. The talent of dragons and phoenixes emerges, with Meng Xue Shi as the master of literature. The purple lightning and clear frost shine in the arsenal of General Wang. My father serves as a ruler, passing through this famous area; how ignorant I am, yet I am honored to attend this grand celebration.

### 分析与解读


### 结语


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